藤本国彦 著
A5判変型 並製 函入り 312ページ
定価 本体3,000円+税 ⚫︎購入する
21 days that rock‘n’rolled the Beatles in 1969
by Kunihiko Fujimoto
Softcover in case 312pages
Language: Japanese
Product dimensions: H19.5×W13.5×D2.4 cm
Price: 3,000yen+tax
巻末付録として、松田行正による「ビートルズのジャケット・デザインの分析」、杉本聖士+あやこるによるマンガ「女子高生 放課後ロンリー・ハーツ・クラブ」も。ビートルズのジャケットの挿図はすべてイラスト化。
造本コンセプトは「歪んだホワイト・アルバム」。ビートルズの「ホワイト・アルバム」は、ビートルズ各人のスタンド・プレーでできたアルバムでしたので、グループ崩壊の序章はこのときから。その意味を込めて、「不揃いで歪んだ」本にしたくなりました。その結果、表紙は上辺だけ斜めの歪んだ四角形。本文も、通称「いい加減折り」と呼ばれている、あたかも適当に折った(これを実際の製本ラインでやるためには特別の製本機が必要で、決して適当なわけではありませんが)かのようにページがばらばらになっている製本方法を採用。ノド側と下辺は水平垂直ながら小口と上辺が斜めになっています。ばらばらといっても、そう見えるだけであって、実際は2つのフォーマットを交互に使っています。上辺を見ると本文が階段状になっています。そして、白い紙を合紙したダンボールを使った、本の形に合わせた箱(上辺が斜め)に入れました。 -
In 2016, it was 46 years since the Beatles broke up. In this book, Kunihiko Fujimoto follows the Beatles down the long and winding road of the Get Back sessions in January 1969, when the countdown toward the breakdown started. Why did Paul McCartney have to say “(Let’s ) Get Back (to our roots as a rock’n’roll band)”? What happened during the 21 days the sessions lasted, how did the recordings go, and what happened to the band afterwards? And what was going on in the rest of the world at the time?
The book also discusses the placement of the equipment and the time table for the live performance on the rooftop of the Apple Corps building that marked the end of the sessions, and the extensive list of songs they played during the sessions.
As an appendix, there is an analysis by Yukimasa Matsuda of the Beatles’ album jacket designs, with illustrated versions of all the covers, and a manga by Shoji Sugimoto and Ayakol called “Girls’ Afterschool Lonely Hearts Club.”
The concept behind the book design was a “twisted white album.” The Beatles’ “White Album” is a collection of grandstand plays by the individual members, and in retrospect seems like a prologue to the breakup of the band. With this in mind, I wanted to make an “uneven and twisted” book. The result is a distorted quadrangle, with the top edge at an oblique angle. The body of the book looks like a bunch of randomly folded sheets bundled together, but this type of folding (a Japanese technique called “iikagen-ori”) actually requires a special machine in the production line, so there is nothing random about it at all. The spine is vertical and the bottom edge is horizontal, while the top edge and foredge are slanted. The pages may look scattered, but the effect is only apparent; in fact, it is just two formats used alternately. Seen from above, the body is staircase-patterned. Finally, the book comes in a white cardboard box in the same shape as the book itself, i.e. with the top edge oblique.