佐々木光 写真、米澤敬 文、十川功二 監修
B5判変型 上製 120ページ
by Hikaru Sasaki and Kei Yonezawa, Koji Sogawa
Hardcover 120pages
Language: Japanese
Product dimensions: H24×W14.7×D1.7cm
Out of stock
この折りたたみ方は印刷所に束見本を発注するときに畳み方のイメージを口頭で伝え、でき上がってきた束見本がイメージにぴったりでしたので、それをそっくり再現しました。カバー裏には本文で使った医療年表を入れましたが、全面ベタ色に小さい文字が白ヌキという印刷所にとってはかなり大変な課題を突きつけましたが、印刷所は見事に仕上げてくれました。 -
Intrigued by Gottfried Helnwein's surgical images (Gottfried Helnwein, edited and with a commentary by Toshiharu Itoh, Libroport, Tokyo, 1989), I commissioned Hikaru Sasaki to make a photo book of surgical instruments.
Most of the pictures are of implements borrowed from the Medical Instrument Exhibition Hall in Inbanuma, Chiba. The pictures of painful-looking surgical instruments are arranged in historical order, and interleaved with free and pain-relieving essays by Kei Yonezawa and chronologies of the history of surgery, medicine and physiology.
The binding is cut off on three sides to create an image of an austere operating table, and the dust jacket is folded obliquely like a soiled bandage.
When ordering the sample from the print shop I just briefly described how I wanted the fold, but the result turned out to match my image perfectly. On the inside of the jacket is a chronology of the medical treatments mentioned in the book itself. The tiny white print on the solid color page was a daunting task for the print shop, but they did a splendid job.