相似と円貌 観相学の凱歌のために
松田行正 構成
B6判 上製 208ページ
Circle Game
Similitude and resemblance ─ A paean to physiognomy
Edited by Yukimasa Matsuda
Hardcover 208pages
Language: Japanese
Product dimensions: H18.8×W13.5×D1.8cm
Not for sale
作舎創立20周年記念の展覧会に出品した作品。「工作舎の出版物から1冊取り上げて作品化する」というテーマでしたので、松田 40のバイブル的な『遊1001 相似律 連想と類似観相学の凱歌のために』を迷わず選択。 依頼を受けてから約2週間で搬入しました。
内容は『円環律』というくらいですので、円にまつわる図版ばかりをコレクションしています。後の牛若丸の『円と四角』につながる作品でした。本文の用紙の色を各々変えて5種類各11冊計55部つくりましたが、現在は全色が残っていません。なおカバーには「きらびき」を使っています。 -
A work created for an exhibition to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Kousakusha. The theme was to "take one of Kousakusha's publications and turn it into a work of art," so without hesitation, I selected issue 1001 of the magazine Yu, Similitude: Affinity & Rapport – A Paean to Physiognomy, which is like a bible to me. The work was delivered a mere two weeks after accepting the commission.
As befits a book about the "laws of circularity," it is a collection of roundish images. This work later led to the book The Function of Circle and Square (1998), also published by Ushiwakamaru. Eleven copies each were made of five versions using different colors for the paper of the body of the book, or 55 copies in total, but currently all versions are sold out. A fine paper called Kirabiki with ground mica powder was used for the dust jacket.