松田行正 著
四六判変型 上製 函入り 272ページ
定価 本体2,400円+税 ⚫︎購入する
Physical graffiti tour
81 cross sections
by Yukimasa Matsuda
Hardcover 272pages
Language: Japanese
Product dimensions: H18.4×W13.2×D2.1cm
Price: 2,400yen+tax
そのリハビリの方法は、震災を覆った「切 断」というイメージに対して、別の切断のイメージを持ってきて、「切断」という事態を薄めようとした一種の逆療法でした。
第46回造本装幀コンクール東京都知事賞受賞。 -
When I was confronted with all the broken bonds after the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear catastrophe that hit Japan in March, 2011, I asked myself what I could do as a graphic designer, and wrote this book as a kind of rehabilitation.
The therapy consisted of opposing images of things that had been “cut off” by the calamities with other images of cut-offs, as a way of diluting the cut-off condition.
The notion of cut-offs was applied to the book design as well. The head of the book is rough, as if cut with a saw, and the edge is covered with silver foil to suggest that it has been cut with a sharp knife. Physical Graffiti Tour 81 Cross Sections was awarded the Governor of Tokyo Award at the 46th Japan Book Design Exhibition